Friday, October 25, 2013


I found myself praying for those who do.  Understanding, that if they really knew the difference, hopefully they  would do better.  But, alot of times the cut is so deep, they can't see the forest from the trees.  So this cycle continues on, and on, and on even now through -out  this day and time. GOD gives us a new beginning a each day. There's discrimination in The CHURCH WORLD, THE  GOVERNMENT, THE WORK PLACE and IN OUR HOMES.  The reason for this is because, in the FIRST MAYFLOWER we say we're ONE NATION UNDER GOD but it's not manifested through our actions unless we're benefiting from it.  We have become a NARCISSIST  SOCIETY unto GOD, meaning we pretend to LOVE one another, but it's really about our own interest.  When GOD, COMMANDS US TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER FROM THE HEART<  that's what he looks at.  When it's comes to matters of the heart this is where we get our greatest blessings, not pretending.  GOD says, they shall know you by the FRUIT you bare, which also means the world will know HIM (CHRIST) by the LOVE WE SOW ONE TO ANOTHER, not ENVY< HATE<<JEALOUS<MALICE<MURDER<STEALING and so on.  Our children are watching and listening remember PARENTS the APPLE doesn't fall far from the TREE. They are learning from you.  Then, we sit and say I, don't know why my child is behaving that way. GOD has away of reminding you. The truth sets us free not lies.  AMEN!  LOVE IN CHRIST< NORA

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